ハッピー・グローバル ご留学ドットこむ。事業部
ハッピー・グローバル ご留学ドットこむ。


日本の高等学校卒業生が、クイーンズ大学ベルファーストへの大学進学するには、通常、1年の大学準備コースを受ける必要があります。ただし、AレベルやIB(International Baccalaureat)を修了していれば、その成績が入学条件を満たしていれば入学許可の可能性があります。入学条件はコースによって異なりますので、詳しくは、お問い合わせください。
また、高等学校の成績優秀者は、キャンパス内にある提携校のINTO Queen's University, Belfast のYear Oneプログラムを受講し、所定の成績を収めると2年目編入をし、最短3年で卒業を目指すことができる科目があります。

クイーンズ大学ベルファーストと提携校INTO Queen's Univesity, Belfastが運営する準備コース

クイーンズ大学ベルファーストでは、高等学校卒業者に向けた1年の準備コースを行っています。INTO Queen's Univesity, Belfastはクイーンズ大学ベルファーストのキャンパス内にあり、クイーンズ大学ベルファーストでのキャンパスライフは、1年目から経験できます。詳しくは、



- Accounting
- Accounting with French
- Accounting with Spanish
- Actuarial Science and Risk Management
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering with a Year in Industry
- Agricultural Technology
- Agricultural Technology with Professional Studies
- Applied Mathematics and Physics

- Archaeology
- Archaeology and History
- Archaeology and Irish
- Archaeology with French
- Archaeology with Portuguese
- Archaeology with Spanish
- Archaeology-Palaeoecology
- Archaeology-Palaeoecology and Geography
- Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1)
- Audio Engineering


- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry with Professional Studies
- Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences with Professional Studies

- Biomedical Science
- Broadcast Production
- Business Economics
- Business Information Technology with a Year in Industry
- Business Management


- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering with a Year in Industry
- Chemistry
- Chemistry with a Year in Industry
- Civil Engineering

- Civil Engineering with a Year in Industry
- Computer Science with a Year in Industry
- Computing and Information Technology with a Year in Industry
- Criminology
- Criminology and Social Policy
- Criminology and Sociology


- Dental Surgery

- Divinity
- Drama
- Drama and English


- Economics
- Economics and Accounting
- Education
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year in Industry
- Energy, Environment and Sustainability
- English
- English and Film Studies
- English and French

- English and History
- English and Irish
- English and Linguistics
- English and Philosophy
- English and Politics
- English and Social Anthropology
- English and Sociology
- English and Spanish
- English with Creative Writing
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Management with Professional Studies


- Film and Theatre Making
- Film Studies and Production
- Finance with a Year in Industry
- Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition
- Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition with Professional Studies

- French
- French and History
- French and International Studies
- French and Irish
- French and Politics
- French and Portuguese
- French and Social Anthropology
- French and Spanish


- Geography
- Geography with a Language


- Health and Clinical Studies
- Health Studies
- History
- History and International Studies
- History and Irish

- History and Philosophy
- History and Politics
- History and Social Anthropology
- History and Sociology
- History and Spanish
- Human Biology


- International Business with French
- International Business with German
- International Business with Mandarin Chinese
- International Business with Portuguese
- International Business with Spanish

- International Politics and Conflict Studies
- International Studies and Irish
- International Studies and Politics
- International Studies and Spanish
- Irish
- Irish and Politics
- Irish and Social Anthropology
- Irish and Spanish


- Marine Biology
- Marine Biology with Professional Studies
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Mathematics and Statistics & Operational Research
- Mathematics with Extended Studies in Europe
- Mathematics with Finance
- Mechanical Engineering

- Mechanical Engineering with a Year in Industry
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry
- Microbiology
- Microbiology with Professional Studies
- Midwifery Sciences
- Music
- Music and Audio Production
- Music and Sound Design
- Music Performance


- Nursing (Adult - February intake)
- Nursing (Adult - September intake)

- Nursing (Children’s)
- Nursing (Learning Disability)
- Nursing (Mental Health)
- Nursing (Top-up)


- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and Politics
- Physics
- Physics with Astrophysics
- Physics with Extended Studies in Europe

- Physics with Medical Applications
- Planning, Environment and Development
- Politics
- Politics and Spanish
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics
- Product Design Engineering
- Product Design Engineering with a Year in Industry
- Psychology


- Social Anthropology and Spanish
- Social Policy and Sociology
- Social Work
- Social Work (Relevant Graduate Route)
- Sociology with Quantitative Methods
- Software and Electronic Systems Engineering

- Software and Electronic Systems Engineering
- Software Engineering with a Year in Industry
- Spanish
- Spanish and Portuguese Studies


- Theology
- Theology and English

- Theology and History
- Theology and Philosophy
- Theoretical Physics


- Zoology
- Zoology with Professional Studies

まずは、IELTS 5.0~5.5を目指す